Since I really wanted Japanese to know what is the Topvelocity’s methods, I did carefully listen and excerpt from one of their YouTube(see attached) to summarize little bit in Japanese as follows:
“Pro pitchers delay trunk to create less arm torque.”
“In pro pitcher, The arm speeds go down while the ball speeds go up in compared with college level. Less arm speeds and Less arm torques, Because they are using their body in sequence their body better.”
“If you get Arm focused approaches for trying to accelerate your arm speeds, the study showed that your arm has to weaken the decelerators to increase the torque on the accelerators. So it has to weaken external rotation to increase speed in internal rotation. That’s the problem with the arm speed approaches. They can quickly give you velocity, but the problem is you have to sacrifice the braking system, the decelerators and the process.”
AC Workload Ratioという数値に関すること、また新たなモータスの活用方法を知ることができて、大変勉強になりましたし、今後この『ワークロード』に関する知識を育成年代の指導者の方々も深めていきながら、モータスも有効活用していけると、おそらく投球障害で苦しむ子供達も減っていくのではないか?と感じました⚾